Mortgage Services


Residential Mortgages, Refinancing, Commercial Loans, Processing

A great mortgage advisor takes the time to understand your unique financial circumstances. We ask you the right questions to match the right loan to your situation.

Custom mortgages tailored to you

Residential Mortgages

You know what you can afford, but what have you considered? 

Taxes, HOA fees, homeowners insurance, are you a veteran, are you a first time home buyer, is this your primary residency... the list can go on and on.

But you don't have to figure it out alone. Our independent mortgage advisors will take an inventory of your financial and personal situation and customize loan options to get the best rate and the best terms possible.

Defining your future with mortgage options


Most people think of refinancing as a way to get a lower rate.

In reality, refinancing offers you an array of options. You can set up a reverse mortgage and get monthly payments. You can cash-out. You can lower your payment and extend your terms. You can shorten your term to pay off your mortgage sooner. 

Regardless of your goal, we can answer any questions you have about the best way to protect your asset and meet your financial goals

Real Property Loans and Financing

Commercial Property Loans

You want to purchase commercial property for different reasons. 

Investment property creates passive income. Commercial property improves your company's balance sheet and saves you money. Construction projects create value-added opportunities. Rental properties build personal wealth and create income streams.

Whatever your reason, commercial property loans can finance your future.

Defining your future with mortgage options

Loan Processing

Most mortgage brokers outsource processing responsibilities. Outsourcing processing is like entering a game of whisper down the lane. Your broker takes the application passes it to a processor. The processor needs more information and passes it to the broker. The broker gets more information from you and passes it back to the processor. And the cycle continues.

We are different!

We cut out the middleman and handle all of our loan processing. In-sourcing ensures your loan is handled with care and eliminate the back and forth between processing and brokers. 

Palm Harbor Mortgage Advisors, Inc.

Taking the time to understand your unique financial circumstances.

Contact us today to learn how to get started.

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